
Friday, January 20, 2012

Hammocks and pumpkin bread!

So today it is beautiful out! So nice that I pulled out my hammock. I don't know about you but when purchasing it I never thought, "this will be perfect for January!"

So on to pumpkin bread!
I did not get to snap any pictures of the yummy bread but it was dense and oh so very moist. I had bought a pumpkin bread kit but when I opened the bag of dry ingredients the spices we overwhelming. Unfortunately I had already mixed up my wet ingredients. So off to magical google where I searched for pumpkin bread and four eggs. I found this recipe which is what you will find modified below.

Yummy pumpkin bread

4 eggs
1(15 oz) can of pumpkin purée
2/3 cup Oil (I used olive)
1 cup Water
3 cups white sugar
3 1/2 cups all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ginger

Mix the pumpkin, eggs, water, oil, and sugar together. Then add the dry ingredients. Mix until just blended. Pour into pans and bake.

Bake at 350 for 50 min.

I needed to let mine bake a bit longer. It might have been my pans I used 2 4x9 inch pans from Ikea. It made fun skinny tall loaves.

You might have noticed the lack of cloves. We don't use them as some family members are allergic. You can add to taste if you want.

So give it a go and see if you like it!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Friends don't let friends sew sleepy! :)

So I had a grand idea!! I plotted, planned and I prepared! I was going to make baby sheets for the plethora of under 1 year olds I know. So Black Friday I bought flannel to make some cozy and stylish sheets. And a few weeks ago I picked up the elastic. All my supplies were assembled.

Tonight I was going to make my first set. I pulled out my fabric and it measured 41 inches across instead of 45 inches! I guess I lost 4 inches in the wash? I am not sure what happened. So not to be daunted I decided to make do and switch to a small blanket.

I cut my fabric and laid it out to begin pinning it. You may be able to tell where this is headed.

I began sewing and after about 12 inches I realized that my pins were on the bottom side and hard to get out. But I kept sewing.

I finished sewing and trimming and it suddenly struck me! I had laid out my material and batting as if I was going to use binding. This was not the correct way to flip out the blanket.

Out came the seam ripper and apart came the blanket. I laid it out correctly, pinned it and began to sew. This time it took awhile because my helper wanted to help.

Finally it was done! I trimmed it, flipped it, tacked it, and cleaned up loose threads. Ta da!

Umm I think I just made a designer changing pad instead of a blanket :).

Moral of the story: friends don't let friends sew sleepy!

Monday, January 9, 2012

2012: A new year!

I just realized I have not posted in a month!  Time has flown as the holidays came and quickly went.  I have been trying to decide exactly what direction I want to take this blog and how it fits into the rest of my life. So I think there are going to make some changes and I think that hopefully it will keep things interesting. 

Some of the blogs I follow are starting the 366 pictures a year idea.  I was going to join in but realized that I don't take pictures.  So I am going to make a list of 366 things of which I am thankful.   Each week on Sunday I will post one thing from each day that inspired me to be thankful.  I encourage you to join me and leave the things you are thankful for in the comments or if you post them on your blog let me know and I will try to link them up. 

Wednesday will be Working on Wednesday.  This is the day I will add tutorials, updates on projects and new knitting instructions.  This brings me to an exciting new addition.  I am adding a new portion of my blog with step by step instructions and videos of how to knit.  Hopefully the instructions will be simple and easy to follow for all my soon to be knitting friends!

Fun Filled Friday will be Fridays post where what ever flits into my head will be the topic. 

So that is my new schedule!  What do you think?  Do you have a schedule of postings?