
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Give it 100

I have started a new adventure!

As many of you probably saw recently there is a website that allows you to set a goal and try for 100 days to consistently work towards completing it.  They can be simple goals such as flossing or stretching everyday.  To larger goals of loving oneself or loosing weight.  

I am a great idea person but not a great follow through-er.  I am using this tool to try to work with needles and thread every day.  I have started with a pair of socks.  I am to the heel and it is a new technique.  I have plans to do some cross-stitching, quilting,  knitting and embroidery.  Hopefully I can get some projects I have been thinking about for years done!  

So if you want to follow me or set up your own challenge go to 

1 comment:

  1. Oh I like this idea! And I like that you have made it a bit broader then just one craft type. I think that would make me more likely to stick with it! One of the hardest things about setting goals is knowing one's limits. I have found I don't like having hard and fast goals, I tend to get stubborn and refuse to do them! Lol! So I stick to vague and general goals. And work on the "One Important Thing and Two Not So Important Things" a day theory. It also helps if I think out a whole plan so I know what me next step is, that keeps me going! Or I tell myself that I can't start this project until I finish another one up.
    Well, I didn't mean to write an epistle! Lol! Good Luck! And remember to have fun!
